Exceptions and catching them in PHP

16. 02. 2020

Exceptions are the tools of Object Oriented Programming, which provides an elegant way to throw and handle (treat) application errors.

An exception is first thrown (thrown), treated (try), and caught (catch). Only throwing is mandatory.

Philosophy of exception generation

Before the emergence of exceptions, error handling in programming was very complicated because we had to rely on the return values of functions and catch them in our own way and behave accordingly.

In fact, functions themselves do not enforce error handling, which can lead to fatal problems, but David has written about this in Programmers don't ignore errors.

An example of forgotten error handling:

// moving from disk to disk
copy('c:/oldfile', 'd:/newfile');
// if the first operation fails, the file is irretrievably deleted

This is because the correct way to handle the output from copy() is to not continue and throw an error if an error occurs. In the case of good old functions, it might look like this:

function backup(): bool
if (copy('c:/oldfile', 'd:/newfile')) {
return unlink('c:/oldfile');
return false;

Our backup() function will return true only if the copy() function did not fail and the unlink() function returned true. Otherwise, it returns false.

But is this now safe for the application? It is not! Because now we have to treat the output of the backup() function at the point where we call it, and if it fails, we won't even know why. In short, it will return false and we have to detect the error ourselves somehow. I guess in this case it's good to see that programmers often give up on error handling, or simply forget to handle something and the application throws hard-to-detect errors because of it.

The solution to this problem is to use exceptions that force the treatment, and if not treated, the application crashes completely and we always find out why.

Basic exception definition

In PHP, an exception is a special kind of interface implemented by the native Exception class that we will be using.

If the processing of some part of the program fails, we simply throw an exception describing the problem:

if (copy('c:/oldfile', 'd:/newfile') === false) {
throw new \Exception('Can not copy file "oldfile".');

Throwing an exception is done with the throw keyword, followed by creating an instance of the class with the exception. We can get an instance in other ways (for example, passing it from a variable), and creating an instance of an exception does not cause it to be thrown.

The first argument of the \Exception class constructor accepts the text of the exception, which should explain in a concise way what just happened. It is good practice to also include information about the operation being performed and a reference to the data. For example, if a file copy failed, it is good practice to pass the file name. If the SQL query execution fails, we again pass the query being executed. This will help us a lot later when handling errors, because we can see exactly what the problem is.

Exception handling

For example, let's have a function backup() that backs up data and may throw a pair of errors:

function backup(): void
if (copy('c:/oldfile', 'd:/newfile')) {
if (unlink('c:/oldfile') === false) {
throw new \Exception('Can nto remove old file.');
throw new \Exception('Can not copy backup files.');

Note that the function does not return any output, and we specify the void type in the definition. The function doesn't need to return anything, because a success is considered a state where no error is thrown and we don't need to treat a positive scenario.

If we were to use the function in an application without treatment, for example, as follows:

echo 'Backing up files...';
echo 'Backup complete.';

This will work in the normal way. However, if an error occurs, the script will automatically terminate and output the exception text. The important thing is that it will not continue to execute the code and we know that no data corruption will occur.

If we want to continue execution, we need to clean the error, which we do by using the try and catch constructs:

echo 'Backing up files...';
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'Backup failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
echo 'Backup complete.';

If an exception is thrown, the code in the catch() area (which accepts the exception by matching its data type) is called and the internal code is executed.

We always get an instance of the exception class, which can be used, for example, to display an error message, which is handled by the getMessage() method. It is also useful to know the getFile() method, which returns the disk path to the file containing the error, getCode(), which returns the error status code, and getLine(), which returns the line number where the exception was thrown.

Prepared exceptions

In addition to the basic \Exception exception, PHP includes other predefined exception types that are suitable for different use cases.

Data Type Explanation
LogicException Logical error, predictable at program design
BadFunctionCallException Function call error; function not found; call not allowed
BadMethodCallException Method call error
InvalidArgumentException Bad (invalid) argument passed to function or method
OutOfRangeException Value out of range of array or collection
LengthException Value exceeds allowed length
DomainException Value does not fall within the required domain or range
RuntimeException Error only detectable at runtime (for example, failure to write to a file)
OverflowException Buffer or arithmetic operation overflow, often caused by processing more data than expected
UnderflowException Underflow of a buffer or arithmetic operation, less data was passed than expected
OutOfBoundsException Index out of range of array or collection
RangeException Value not within the requested range
UnexpectedValueException Unexpected value (e.g. return value of a function)

The LogicException and RuntimeException exceptions should be prevented by proper program design. Personally, I use them only for exceptional situations, such as failure to write to a file and communication with an external service.

I recommend not catching RuntimeException at all and letting the application fail. This is usually a serious problem that should be reported as soon as possible.

Jan Barášek   Více o autorovi

Autor článku pracuje jako seniorní vývojář a software architekt v Praze. Navrhuje a spravuje velké webové aplikace, které znáte a používáte. Od roku 2009 nabral bohaté zkušenosti, které tímto webem předává dál.

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