PHP Manual

Mapa webu

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URLPoslední změna
How to select technologies? When do we switch to JavaScript?2023-02-11 14:40:00
Inappropriate use of the Garbage Collector2023-02-11 14:35:00
How to deal with sudden PHP script crashes2023-02-11 14:30:00
Urgent repair of overloaded server2023-02-11 14:25:00
Hacker attack on the agency2023-02-11 14:20:00
Technology from Microsoft2023-02-11 14:15:00
Motivation of the junior who brought the idea2023-02-11 14:10:00
Changing the terms and conditions of hosting services2023-02-11 14:05:00
Motivation of juniors2023-02-11 14:00:00
What to do when artificial intelligence takes jobs away from programmers next year?2022-12-23 13:30:00
What the best teamleader Ján Regeš taught me2022-12-18 13:30:00
Moving to Prague after school - what I was afraid of2022-12-18 12:50:00
How to render a Latte template to a string2022-12-18 11:30:00
Sending a CSV file2022-12-18 11:10:00
Distance between two GPS points2022-12-18 11:00:00
Feature flags / feature on/off switches2022-12-11 15:00:00
What I would change about Nette if I were David Grudl2022-11-18 17:45:00
String tokenization in PHP2022-11-15 20:00:00
Communication via SSH and RSA2 key2022-11-12 15:00:00
Asynchronous world view2022-10-15 11:30:00
Code obsolescence - how to maintain compatibility2022-07-29 17:10:00
Object Immutability - a key design concept2022-07-24 15:00:00
Six months without social networks2022-07-18 13:00:00
Locally sensitive hashing2022-07-11 10:45:00
What is the added value of a staffing agency for the IT customer's business?2022-07-09 17:30:00
Getting HTTP request information via cURL2022-07-06 19:50:00
Data type Enum object in PHP2022-05-29 15:30:00
Who is Jan Barášek?2022-05-08 11:30:00
Changing commit ownership in Git2022-03-08 09:00:00
SOLID principles2022-01-17 15:00:00
How a programmer lives in an internal development team2022-01-10 12:00:00
Special control characters in PHP2021-11-24 14:05:00
Pure functions in PHP2021-10-27 10:30:00
How to effectively optimize page load speed2021-10-15 15:00:00
Differences between CLI and CGI2021-10-15 10:00:00
Doctrine Series - Introduction2021-08-27 11:40:00
Complexity of algorithms2021-08-03 20:40:00
Unsafe use of constants in PHP2021-06-22 10:49:46
Validation and formatting of telephone numbers2021-06-18 09:20:00
Refactoring a legacy PHP project - how to catch up on technology debt2021-05-11 20:45:00
Return from UUID to integer2021-05-02 17:00:00
HTTP status codes2021-04-10 18:59:21
Get a list of all loaded files2021-04-10 18:59:21
Get a list of all defined functions2021-04-10 18:59:21
PHP Keywords2021-04-10 18:59:21
PHP function cosh()2021-04-10 18:59:20
GitHub Actions - the best CI for 20212021-02-07 15:46:39
PHP 8 is out - complete overview2020-11-26 11:53:54
Processing thumbnail images and meta information from Vimeo2020-09-19 17:32:31
Configuring the Baraja Doctrine connection2020-09-10 11:38:44
One day hackers will attack your website2020-08-04 12:00:00
Commercial web development from a developer's perspective in 20192020-07-26 12:00:00
Cycles and their types in PHP2020-04-11 18:56:34
How to understand PHP code2020-04-11 18:45:23
Composer - complete overview of advanced features2020-03-10 20:18:19
Regular Expressions in PHP2020-03-08 13:37:38
Copyright2020-03-07 19:09:57
Getting the user's IP address in PHP2020-02-28 10:30:21
Object-oriented programming in PHP2020-02-16 22:22:50
Fluent Interfaces2020-02-16 22:19:11
Magic methods in PHP2020-02-16 22:19:02
Interfaces in OOP2020-02-16 22:18:52
Object types in OOP2020-02-16 22:18:42
Configuring Services in OOP2020-02-16 22:18:32
Exceptions and catching them in PHP2020-02-16 22:18:18
Object comparison vs. identity2020-02-16 22:17:37
Heritability and visibility in PPE2020-02-16 22:17:05
Why and how to use frameworks and libraries2020-02-16 22:13:46
The principle of encapsulation in PPE2020-02-16 21:21:35
Methods in PPE and input transfer2020-02-16 20:49:35
Explanation of the concepts of Object Oriented Programming2020-02-16 18:53:09
PHP function nl2br()2020-02-16 18:48:19
Echo - output to source code2020-02-16 18:40:31
The eval() function in PHP2020-02-16 18:37:20
Mathematics in PHP2020-02-16 18:24:10
Calculator in PHP: processing a mathematical expression as a string2020-02-16 17:07:38
PHP function acos()2020-02-16 16:41:10
API in PHP2020-02-16 16:35:13
Working with files2020-02-16 16:30:05
Principles of writing variables2020-02-16 16:26:08
How to write your first PHP script2020-02-16 16:26:08
PHP function imagescale()2020-02-16 16:23:15
cURL in PHP - downloading data via URL2020-02-15 22:14:32
Design patterns in PHP2020-02-13 10:32:29
PHP online course for beginners2020-02-09 14:27:47
Databases - an introduction to the topic2020-02-09 11:26:24
Autoloading classes in PHP2020-02-09 10:00:29
PHP function array_merge()2020-02-06 09:44:11
Merging large arrays in PHP2020-02-06 09:32:08
Basic philosophy of object-oriented programming2020-01-02 22:21:56
Introduction to object-oriented programming in PHP2020-01-01 19:54:35
Sending emails (mail() and SMTP functions) in PHP2019-11-26 12:00:02
Ternary operators in PHP (?:) - condition in one line2019-11-26 11:59:18
Escaping characters in a string in PHP2019-11-26 11:56:52
PHP function htmlspecialchars - escaping characters2019-11-26 11:56:35
PHP function getimagesize - image size2019-11-26 11:56:18
Conditions in PHP - IF() {...} - branching options2019-11-26 11:55:09
PHP function strpos - occurrence of a substring in a string2019-11-26 11:53:30
PHP function Explode - split string by separator2019-11-26 11:39:36
Data sending methods (GET and POST)2019-11-26 11:38:32
Json in PHP - processing, generation and formatting2019-11-26 11:32:43
Contingency table in PHP2019-11-13 22:00:05
UUID and large-scale application performance2019-11-08 10:09:54
Downloading the whole site by links in PHP2019-11-06 17:41:30
Sessions - server cookies in PHP2019-11-06 17:06:18
Processing ajax POST requests in PHP2019-11-01 09:56:02
Superglobal variables2019-11-01 09:29:46
PHP function var_export()2019-10-07 10:28:27
Safe application2019-10-01 14:19:04
Introduction to PHP2019-09-29 19:25:06
Multi-year form2019-09-16 09:30:19
How to set up an HTTPS / SSL certificate - complete guide2019-09-16 09:01:35
PHP function mail()2019-09-16 08:51:41
PHP function explode()2019-09-11 10:59:21
Cookies in PHP2019-09-11 10:18:29
Commands, keywords and functions in PHP2019-09-11 10:18:03
File_get_contents2019-09-11 10:18:03
PHP function date(), date and time2019-09-11 10:14:16
Construct include2019-09-11 10:14:16
Hashing strings and passwords2019-09-11 10:13:30
PHP Include - inserting a file into a page2019-09-11 10:07:07
Overview of web development knowledge2019-09-11 10:07:07
PHP function log10()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function fsockopen()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function scandir()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function syslog()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function connection_status()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function settype()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function chmod()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_socket_sendto()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_get_transports()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function getrusage()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strtoupper()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function getlastmod()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function ob_get_contents()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function readfile()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function base_convert()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_bool()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strrev()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function usleep()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function parse_ini_string()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function set_time_limit()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function atan()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function fgetcsv()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function dechex()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function disk_total_space()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function imagesetinterpolation()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_infinite()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function octdec()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function fputcsv()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_resource()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_callable()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function imageflip()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function lcg_value()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function implode()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strval()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function dns_check_record()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function str_replace()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_null()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function usort()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strrpos()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function atan2()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function current()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function socket_set_timeout()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function doubleval()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function convert_uudecode()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_file()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function disk_free_space()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function hexdec()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function php_uname()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function cli_set_process_title()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strrchr()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function asort()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function basename()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strtolower()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function constant()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function substr()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function php_ini_scanned_files()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function popen()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function phpversion()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function gc_mem_caches()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function gettype()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function count()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function acosh()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function ini_get_all()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function chroot()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function shuffle()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function exp()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function setlocale()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_filter_remove()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function imagepalettetotruecolor()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_context_get_default()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_wrapper_restore()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function is_finite()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function ip2long()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function ltrim()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function str_ireplace()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_set_write_buffer()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strtok()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function bindec()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function substr_replace()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function define_syslog_variables()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function unpack()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function getcwd()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function rmdir()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_resolve_include_path()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function abs()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function getenv()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function file_exists()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function putenv()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function asin()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function sha1_file()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function gethostbyname()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function ini_alter()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_copy_to_stream()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function md5_file()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function header()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function hebrevc()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function strptime()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_set_blocking()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_set_chunk_size()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_set_timeout()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_wrapper_register()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function stream_get_meta_data()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function cos()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function cosh()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function microtime()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function magic_quotes_runtime()2019-09-11 10:04:04
PHP function inet_ntop()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function import_request_variables()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fclose()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function parse_ini_file()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function feof()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function unregister_tick_function()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function crc32()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_shift()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function natcasesort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function imagecrop()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strcoll()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function chdir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function dir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_executable()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function htmlentities()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_pop()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function lstat()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function filesize()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function error_get_last()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function php_ini_loaded_file()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fmod()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function lchgrp()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_search()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function openlog()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_set_read_buffer()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function prev()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stripos()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_fill_keys()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function imagecropauto()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function filegroup()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function socket_get_status()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_set_option()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_writable()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function glob()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function decbin()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function php_logo_guid()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_client()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function set_include_path()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_double()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function intdiv()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function zend_logo_guid()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function str_split()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_end_flush()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_server()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ceil()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function move_uploaded_file()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_dir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function base64_encode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function base64_decode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_meta_tags()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function arsort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_resources()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function range()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_is_local()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fnmatch()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_create()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function gettimeofday()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function set_magic_quotes_runtime()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_push()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function tanh()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fgetss()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ksort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function decoct()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_flush()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function rewinddir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function substr_count()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function call_user_func_array()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function inet_pton()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sin()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function forward_static_call()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function checkdnsrr()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function filetype()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strcspn()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_walk()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function opendir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function intval()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strnatcasecmp()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function register_tick_function()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_shutdown()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sqrt()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_set_default()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function deg2rad()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function show_source()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_get_options()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_select()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function setrawcookie()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function restore_include_path()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_nan()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function php_strip_whitespace()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function reset()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_numeric()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_real()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function clearstatcache()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pi()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_get_level()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_get_status()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function readdir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function phpcredits()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function atanh()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strip_tags()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function join()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function error_log()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function log()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stripcslashes()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function setcookie()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function md5()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_set_params()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function next()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strpbrk()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_splice()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function getmxrr()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function natsort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function var_dump()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function highlight_file()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ignore_user_abort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function in_array()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function str_word_count()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function dirname()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function end()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_cfg_var()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function gethostbynamel()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_get_name()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function metaphone()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function call_user_method()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function dl()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function lchown()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_slice()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_get_flush()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function similar_text()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function forward_static_call_array()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function iptcparse()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pack()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function convert_cyr_string()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_scalar()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_wrapper_unregister()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function addcslashes()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pow()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_float()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function uasort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_unshift()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function headers_list()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_supports_lock()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function convert_uuencode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function mail()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function hebrev()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stat()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function html_entity_decode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ini_set()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stripslashes()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function imageaffinematrixget()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_fill()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pfsockopen()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function closedir()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function hypot()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fgetc()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function chgrp()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function set_file_buffer()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function wordwrap()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_filter_append()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function compact()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_writeable()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function image_type_to_extension()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function lcfirst()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function rewind()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function asinh()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function str_repeat()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_array()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_include_path()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function min()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function filectime()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_implicit_flush()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function quotemeta()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_string()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_magic_quotes_gpc()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function count_chars()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_accept()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_recvfrom()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function rtrim()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function socket_set_blocking()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_walk_recursive()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function unserialize()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_link()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function php_sapi_name()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_get_contents()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function array_multisort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function round()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fileperms()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_headers()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ucfirst()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function getopt()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_clean()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_list_handlers()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function log1p()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function cli_get_process_title()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function gethostname()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function diskfreespace()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function trim()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fileinode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function floatval()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function crypt()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strnatcmp()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function long2ip()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ini_restore()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fileatime()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_current_user()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_browser()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pathinfo()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function header_register_callback()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stristr()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function localeconv()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_pair()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function touch()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function connection_aborted()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function realpath()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_uploaded_file()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_end_clean()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function memory_get_peak_usage()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function phpinfo()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function print_r()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function uksort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function floor()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_get_length()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_html_translation_table()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function substr_compare()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ezmlm_hash()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function htmlspecialchars_decode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function pclose()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function debug_called_dump()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function max()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sleep()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function header_remove()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function dns_get_mx()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function memory_get_usage()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function flock()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fgets()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function chunk_split()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function set_socket_blocking()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function rad2deg()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_context_get_params()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function closelog()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_get_line()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strstr()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function call_user_method_array()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function number_format()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sys_getloadavg()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function rsort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fileowner()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sha1()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function call_user_func()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function get_magic_quotes_runtime()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_start()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function tan() - Tangent2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function expm1()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strripos()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function str_shuffle()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function iptcembed()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function time_sleep_until()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_register_wrapper()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function strspn()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ucwords()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_readable()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function socket_import_stream()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function time_nanosleep()2019-09-11 10:04:03
Highlighting PHP code syntax with highlight_string()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function gethostbyaddr()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function umask()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function krsort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_integer()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_get_wrappers()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_filter_prepend()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function key()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sort()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_long()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function bin2hex()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function chown()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function image_type_to_mime_type()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function headers_sent()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function uniqid()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function ob_get_clean()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function sinh()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function fread()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function serialize()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function getimagesizefromstring()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function flush()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function is_object()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function quoted_printable_decode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function quoted_printable_encode()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function addslashes()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function register_shutdown_function()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function extract()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function stream_socket_enable_crypto()2019-09-11 10:04:03
PHP function money_format()2019-09-11 10:04:00
PHP function is_int()2019-09-11 10:04:00
QR code generator - API2019-09-11 10:04:00
PHP function filemtime()2019-09-11 10:04:00
PHP function ini_get()2019-09-11 10:04:00
Conditions and branching2019-09-07 20:25:57
PHP function php_egg_logo_guid()2019-09-07 19:55:48
PHP function strtr()2019-09-07 19:55:48
PHP function php_real_logo_guid()2019-09-07 19:55:47
Similar numbers - how to recognize it2019-08-23 15:49:48
Data types in PHP2019-08-23 15:44:28
Caesar's cipher - how it works2019-08-23 15:43:02
PHP application security2019-08-23 15:42:23
How to break the md5 function2019-08-23 15:33:10
Include (folding pages from pieces)2019-08-23 15:06:33
Forms, form processing in PHP2019-08-22 20:48:46
Local variables in PHP2019-08-22 20:48:46
Getting parameters from URL by GET method2019-08-22 20:48:46
How Captcha works (descriptive image)2019-08-22 20:48:46
Acosh2019-08-22 20:48:46
PHP and server configuration information (phpinfo(), php.ini)2019-08-22 20:48:46
Paginator and pagination of results in PHP2019-08-22 20:48:46
Include security in PHP and file attachment2019-08-22 20:48:46
HTML forms - part in the browser2019-08-22 20:48:46
Htmlspecialchars2019-08-22 20:48:46
Global variables in PHP2019-08-22 20:48:46
Indent code using spaces and tabs2019-08-22 20:48:46
Variables Variables2019-08-22 20:48:46
Test of basic Nette knowledge2019-08-22 20:48:46
Receiving data by POST method2019-08-22 20:48:46
Getting the alphabet, arrays of numbers and intervals2019-08-22 20:48:46
How to name variables, functions, methods and classes2019-08-22 20:48:46
Automatic minification of PHP script2019-08-22 20:48:46
Apostrophes and quotation marks2019-08-22 20:48:46
Special meaning of quotation marks2019-08-22 20:48:46
Print2019-08-22 20:48:46
Documentary comments, Czech or English?2019-08-22 20:48:46
Addcslashes2019-08-22 20:48:46
File_put_contents2019-08-22 20:48:46
Variables in PHP2019-08-22 20:48:46
PHP function fopen()2019-08-22 20:48:46
Installing PHP on your computer (Windows) - VertrigoServer2019-08-22 20:48:46
End()2019-08-22 20:48:46
Parsing and data processing in PHP2017-10-15 09:54:02
Basic developer concepts2016-12-31 13:59:03
Internet Search Engine Algorithm - Sorting and Descriptor2016-09-11 13:00:00
Internet search engine algorithm - Barely a crawler2016-09-11 12:00:00
Internet Search Engine Algorithm - Indexing and Canonicalization2016-09-11 11:00:00
Internet search engine algorithm - Trees and StopLead2016-09-11 10:00:00
Production server management
Getting data from the user
Stylistics and conventions
New versions
Experience from practice
Series on OOP in PHP
Server administration
Handy features
Manipulation with variables
Basic knowledge
Performance optimization
Memory management
Design patterns
Web server
Object-oriented programming in PHP
Internet search engine algorithm
Introduction to the issue
Working with files
Data structures
Processing of chains
Tips and tricks
PHP online course for beginners
Data processing
General pages
Senior Developer
All systems normal.