Sometimes we need to shrink a large PHP script and compress several of them into one file. This comes in handy when we are creating a library that we will publish to the web and don't want anyone to interfere with it, or it is a useful script that we will be copying often and don't want to transfer too much data.
A possible solution is to minify the code.
I have prepared an online tool for this (just paste the code and you will get back a minified version of it immediately).
The core of the minifier can be reduced to this minimum:
$file = 'StaticClass.php';// Dgx's PHP shrinker// PHP 4 & 5 compatibilityif (!defined('T_DOC_COMMENT'))define ('T_DOC_COMMENT', -1);if (!defined('T_ML_COMMENT'))define ('T_ML_COMMENT', -1);// read input file$input = file_get_contents($file);$space = $output = '';$set = '!"#$&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}';$set = array_flip(preg_split('//',$set));foreach (token_get_all($input) as $token) {if (!is_array($token))$token = array(0, $token);switch ($token[0]) {case T_COMMENT:case T_ML_COMMENT:case T_DOC_COMMENT:case T_WHITESPACE:$space = ' ';break;default:if (isset($set[substr($output, -1)]) ||isset($set[$token[1]{0}])) $space = '';$output .= $space . $token[1];$space = '';}}// write shrinked filefile_put_contents('min_'.$file, $output);
The core is the token_get_all()
function, which parses PHP code into individual "atoms" (tokens) that can be uniquely identified and then ignored as needed.
For example (I used the Nette\Utils\Images
method for the example):
Jan Barášek Více o autorovi
Autor článku pracuje jako seniorní vývojář a software architekt v Praze. Navrhuje a spravuje velké webové aplikace, které znáte a používáte. Od roku 2009 nabral bohaté zkušenosti, které tímto webem předává dál.
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