PHP Manual

Validation and formatting of telephone numbers

18. 06. 2021

Obsah článku

There is no easy way to validate and format phone numbers in PHP, so I wrote a simple library that has no dependencies, but can still handle this role.

The goal is to check the format of a phone number, or convert it to a basic canonical form (which is always valid).


Simply by composer:

$ composer require baraja-core/phone-number

Or download the package Download on GitHub.

How to use the library

The principle of this tool is based on formatting and validating phone numbers from the user, or from sources over which you have no control.

The most common use is to correct phone number formatting:

$original = '+420 777123456';
$formatted = \Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberFormatter::fix($original);
echo $original . '<br>';
echo $formatted;

This function corrects the formatting of the number and returns the string +420 777 123 456.

If no prefix is specified by the user, the +420 prefix is assumed. You can change the default preference with the second parameter:

// returns: +421 777 123 456
\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberFormatter::fix('+420 777123456', 421);

The phone code is overwritten only if the user does not enter it and it fails to be detected automatically.

Input and output formatting

The input string can look (almost) any way. The built-in algorithm can automatically remove non-valid characters (for example, some users write a note next to a phone number that will be removed automatically). So you don't have to worry about formatting the input at all, but the output will always be consistent.

The output always looks the same (it is normalized to the canonical format).

The general format is:

   +420 777 123 456
     | \_________/
  Prefix |
      National number

If you pass a non-valid input (or an input that cannot be automatically corrected), an exception will be thrown.

Error trapping

If a number cannot be safely normalized to a base form, or does not exist, throw an \InvalidArgumentException exception.

If you wish to convert the exception to a boolean, use the built-in asset validator:

\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberValidator::isValid('123'); // false
\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberValidator::isValid('777123456'); // true
\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberValidator::isValid('+420 777123456'); // true
\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberValidator::isValid('+420 777 123 456'); // true
\Baraja\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberValidator::isValid('+420 77 712 34 56'); // true

Jan Barášek   Více o autorovi

Autor článku pracuje jako seniorní vývojář a software architekt v Praze. Navrhuje a spravuje velké webové aplikace, které znáte a používáte. Od roku 2009 nabral bohaté zkušenosti, které tímto webem předává dál.

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